Process Analytics Award for Young Scientists

Der PAT Award for Young Scientists wird im Rahmen der EuroPACT verliehen. Mit dieser renommierten Auszeichnung werden herausragende Arbeiten auf dem Gebiet der PAT gewürdigt, die in der Prozessindustrie ein wichtiges Studiengebiet darstellt. PAT umfasst den Einsatz fortschrittlicher Analyseinstrumente und -technologien zur Überwachung und Steuerung von Fertigungsprozessen in Echtzeit, was eine bessere Produktqualität, eine höhere Prozesseffizienz und geringere Kosten ermöglicht.

Aus den Bewerbungen wählt ein Preis-Komitee den Preisträger/ die Preisträgerinnen aus. Neben der Anerkennung während der Preisverleihung wird üblicherweise noch eine Urkunde sowie ein Preisgeld verliehen.

  1. 8th PAT Award goes to Sin Yong Teng

    The German Working Group „Prozessanalytik“ in cooperation with Knick awarded the 8th Knick Process Analytics Award for an outstanding publication in the field of Process Analytics.  Sin Yong Teng (Radboud University, Nijmegen/NL) won the price and pitched his publication with the title “Machine-learned digital phase switch for sustainable chemical production” (published in Journal of Cleaner Production ) during EuroPACT 2023.

  2. 7th PAT Award goes to Rodrigo Rocha de Oliveira

    The German Working Group „Prozessanalytik“ in cooperation with Siemens awarded the 7th Siemens Process Analytics Prize for an outstanding publication in the field of Process Analytics.  Rodrigo Rocha de Oilveira (Universitat de Barcelona) won the price and presented his publication with the title “Design of Heterogeneity Indices for Blending Quality Assessment Based on Hyperspectral Images and Variographic Analysis” (published in ACS publications) in a short pitch during EuroPACT 2021.

  3. 6th PAT Award goes to Björn Gutschmann

    The Working Group “Prozessanalytik” in cooperation with Siemens will award the 6th Siemens Process Analytics Prize to a young scientist for an outstanding publication in the field of Process Analytics.

    In view of the present situation with COVID-19 the EuroPACT 2020 has been postponed to a later date.

    Nevertheless, PAT cannot be stopped.

    The EuroPACT Scientific Committee in cooperation with Siemens has awarded Björn Gutschmann for an outstanding publication in the field of Process Analytics. The prize is endowed with € 3.000 and the winner was announced by Prof. Dr. Christoph Herwig, TU Vienna / Austria during an online ceremony on June 16, 2020 from 2pm – 3pm.

    In-Line Monitoring of Polyhydroxyalkanoate (PHA) Production during High-Cell-Density Plant Oil Cultivations Using Photon Density Wave Spectroscopy.

    Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) are biodegradable plastic-like materials with versatile properties. Plant oils are excellent carbon sources for a cost-effective PHA production, due to their high carbon content, large availability, and comparatively low prices. Additionally, efficient process development and control is required for competitive PHA production, which can be facilitated by on-line or in-line monitoring devices. To this end, we have evaluated photon density wave (PDW) spectroscopy as a new process analytical technology for Ralstonia eutropha (Cupriavidus necator) H16 plant oil cultivations producing polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) as an intracellular polymer. PDW spectroscopy was used for in-line recording of the reduced scattering coefficient µs’ and the absorption coefficient µa at 638 nm. A correlation of µs’ with the cell dry weight (CDW) and µa with the residual cell dry weight (RCDW) was observed during growth, PHB accumulation, and PHB degradation phases in batch and pulse feed cultivations. The correlation was used to predict CDW, RCDW, and PHB formation in a high-cell-density fed-batch cultivation with a productivity of 1.65 gPHB·L−1·h−1 and a final biomass of 106 g·L−1 containing 73 wt% PHB. The new method applied in this study allows in-line monitoring of CDW, RCDW, and PHA formation.

  4. 5th PAT Award goes to Raffaele Vitale

    On occasion of the EuroPACT Conference 2017 in Potsdam near Berlin, Germany, the German Joint Working Group „Prozessanalytik“ in cooperation with Siemens has awarded the 5th Siemens Process Analytics Award to a young scientist for an outstanding publication in the field of Process Analytics. The prize is endowed with € 1.500. An EUROPACT 2015 prize committee has selected the winner.

    The prize was awarded on May 12th, 2017 in Potsdam to Raffaele Vitale, Universitat Politècnica de València, Valencia, Spain for the outstanding publication in the field of process analytics

    Abel Folch-Fortuny, Raffaele Vitale, Onno E. de Noord, Alberto Ferrer, “Calibration transfer between NIR spectrometers: New proposals and a comparative study” Journal of Chemometrics, 2017 (in Press),

    This is a very accurate and thorough paper – a very comprehensible and excellent work with importance to the community. The subject is practical oriented and represents not only a simple application study. The subject is fully within a process analytical context. The publications clearly stands out from others in that field.

  5. 4th PAT Award goes to Jose Maria Gonzalez-Martinez

    On occasion of the EuroPACT Conference 2014 in Barcelona, the German Working Group „Prozessanalytik“ in cooperation with Siemens has awarded the 4th Siemens Process Analytics Prize to a young scientist for an outstanding publication in the field of Process Analytics. The prize is endowed with € 1.500. An EUROPACT 2014 prize committee has selected the winner.

    The prize is awarded to Dr. Jose Maria González-Martínez, Information Department of Statistics and Chemometrics, Shell Global Solutions International B.V., Shell Technology Centre Amsterdam for the publication

    Jose Maria González-Martínez, Jose Camacho and Alberto Ferrer, “Bilinear modeling of batch processes. Part III: parameter stability”, J. Chemometrics 28 (2014) 10–27

    This is a very accurate and thorough paper – a very comprehensible and excellent work with importance to the community. The subject is practical oriented and represents not only a simple application study. The subject is fully within a process analytical context. The publications clearly stands out from others in that field.

  6. 3rd PAT Award goes to Roland Hass

    Im Rahmen der EuroPACT 2011 in Glasgow/GB wurde zum 3. Mal der Siemens-Preis für einen jungen Prozessanalytiker vergeben.

    Der Preis ging an Roland Hass, Universität Potsdam für seine Publikation: R. Hass, O. Reich: „Inline-Partikelgrößenmesstechnik für Suspensionen und Emulsionen“ Chem. Ing. Tech. 82 (2010) 477−490.

    Überreichung des Siemens Process Analytics Award durch Dr. Berghäuser auf der EuroPACT in Glasgow.

  7. 2nd PAT Award goes to Rosalynne Watt

    Im Rahmen der EuroPACT 2008 in Frankfurt wurde zum 2. Mal der Siemens Process Analytics Award für einen jungen Prozessanalytiker vergeben. Der Siemens Process Analytics Award war erstmals europaweit ausgeschrieben.

    Der Preis wurde verliehen an Rosalynne Watt, Doktorandin an der Cambridge University, für ihre Arbeiten zum inline Monitoring mit IR-Sensoren in der Publikation: R. S. Watt, C. F. Kaminski, J. Hult „Generation of supercontinuum radiation in conventional single-mode fibre and its application to broadband absorption“ Appl. Phys. B 90 (2008) 47−53. Das Ziel der Dissertation von Frau Watt ist das Monitoring von Reaktionen, z. B. in Brennstoffzellen.

  8. 1st PAT Award goes to Angela Alvarez Rodrigo

    Der Arbeitskreis Prozessanalytik vergab im Rahmen der Jahrestagung 2006 erstmalig den mit 1000 Euro dotierten Siemens Process Analytics Award für eine herausragende Publikation auf dem Gebiet der Prozessanalytik an junge Nachwuchswissenschaftler.

    Die Preisträgerin, Angela Alvarez Rodrigo, Robert Bosch GmbH, erhielt ihn für die Publikation: A. Alvarez Rodrigo, H. Lorenz, A. Seidel-Morgenstern: „Online Monitoring of Preferential Crystallization of Enantiomers“ Chirality 16 (2004) 499-508.