EuroPACT 2021
5th European Conference on Process Analytics and Control Technology
The competitiveness of all processing industries – from (petro)-chemicals over pharmaceuticals to foods & feeds – greatly depends on its ability to deliver consistent, high-quality and high-value products at competitive prices, in a sustainable way. Data, Data Analytics and Process Analytical Technology will become the cornerstones for any global, competitive industry, and process analytical techniques are an essential tool in this future.
With this in mind EUROPACT 2021 focusses on featuring innovation along the following three pillars:
1. Process Analytics in Real-World Manufacturing
2. From Data to Process Monitoring, Control and Optimization
3. Novel PAT and Instrumental Technologies
The conference will be completed by an exhibition of instrumentation, applications and data evaluation tools.
EUROPACT 2021 provides a unique meeting and a discussion forum for researchers and users of process analytics from both academia and industry. The conference program will include plenary and invited lectures and plenty of opportunity for discussion with colleagues during poster sessions.
In order to allow all attendees to participate safely, this year’s event will be held fully virtual.
The expectations of the event will remain the same high quality. The exchange with exhibitors will take place in a new interactive framework and will be supported by the possibility of short presentations. Networking with key note speakers and scientists will be implemented in the virtual setting. Workshops, PAT speed dating and student meet & greets will foster the interaction among all participants with the right virtual tools.
In addition to the poster prize, the Working Group “Prozessanalytik” will assign the 7th Process Analytics Award for Young Scientists for an outstanding publication in the field of Process Analytics during the closing ceremony of EuroPACT 2021.
We are looking forward to your participation in the unique setting.

Dank des Sponsorings von Siemens wird auf der EuroPACT 2021 (online) als eines der Highlights wieder der
7th Process Analytics Award for Young Scientists for an outstanding publication in the field of Process Analytics
verliehen. Zu mehr Informationen geht es hier: Announcement_Siemens_Award_2021